The Free Online Burmese Lessons

Learn Myanmar Language, History & Culture

Burmese Language Lessons

Color Codes: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions, particles, postpositional markers, interjections.

00. Introduction to Burmese Language

01. Tones in Burmese

2a. Greetings, Basic Q & A

2b. Common English Words in Burmese

2c. Simple phrases with two words

03. Emoticons in Spoken Words

04. You & I and other Pronouns

05. Locations and directions

06. Asking for Directions

07. Burmese Verbs

08. Burmese Adverbs

09. Burmese Adjectives

10. Describing things in Colors

11. Learn how to Describe a Person

12. 123,456,789 Kyat a second

13. Somewhere in Time

14. The Question of "When?"

15. Ordering Food & Drinks in Burmese

16. Buying Meat, Fruits & Vegetables

17. Making and Answering Phone Calls

18. Learn to sing a Burmese Song

19. Making new friends in Myanmar

20. Visiting a Burmese Family

21. Physical body & illnesses

22. Understand the Burmese Mind

23. Buddhism Words & Phrases

24. Common words with Buddhist origin

25. Air-conditioner is not working!

26. Festivals, Holidays & Celebrations

27. Let's learn Sports words

28. Burmese phrasebook for tourists

29. Describing yourself in Burmese

30. Comparisons & superlative terms

31. Conditional Statements

32. Singular & Plural Terms

33. Learn to read Burmese Script

34. Myanmar Classic Dance & Movie

35. Burmese Proverbs and Sayings

36. Vowel "A" list

37. Vowel "E", "I" list

38. Vowel "U" list

39. Vowel "Ay" list

40. Vowel "Eare" list

41. Vowel "Au" list

42. Vowel "Un","An" list

43. Vowel "O" list

44. Vowel "In" list

45. Vowel "Oun" list

46. Vowel "Ine" list

47. Vowel "Ain" list

48. Vowel "Ome" list

49. Vowel "Oon" list

50. Single Tone: "Wet", "Set" list

51. Single Tone: "Out", "Loud" list

52. Single Tone: "Kite", "Like" list

53. Single Tone: "But", "Cut" list

54. Single Tone: "Bake", "Cake" list

55. Single Tone: "Boat", "Coke" list

56. Single Tone: "Book", "Look" list

57. Single Tone: "Bit", "Sit" list

58. Colloquial Vs. Literary Burmese

59. Burmese Grammar made easy (1)

60. Burmese Grammar made easy (2)

61. Burmese Grammar made easy (3)

A1. Everyday Spoken Burmese