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Singular & Plural Terms

It must have been half a year since I last updated my lessons. It seems like time just flies like the wind unseen.

In Burmese, အချိန် | a-chain2 means time. The English word "time" is usually singular, such as in "time stands still". But, you can also say "times are bad", or use it to mean frequency as in "I have done it three times."

Likewise, the word တွေ | dway2 is added in Burmese to make the word "time" plural.

Who would have thought Father Time can be Plural (dway2)?

အချိန် | a-chain2 — time

တွေ | dway2 — plural

ဒီလိုပဲ | de2-lo2 beare3 — just like this (like this + exactly!)

ကုန် | kone2 — to have run out

သွား | thwa3 — to go (used as particle to indicate past tense)

တယ် | deare2 — affirmative

ဗျာ | bya2 — male term of affirmative statement

အချိန်တွေ ဒီလိုပဲ ကုန်သွားတယ်ဗျာ

a-chain2 dway2 de2-lo2 beare3 kone2 thwa3 deare2 bya2

Time just flies by in my life. (uttered by the male person).

You can use the above phrase to describe the meaningless life without a purpose, without concrete results. (Be sure to look sad when you say that phrase like an actor on the stage.) You can also use that phrase to describe the wasted time in the traffic jam.

Plural word usage in Burmese

How would a female person say that phrase? You can replace ဗျာ | bya2 with the female term ရှင့် | shin1. But, more animated and energetic word is တော် | tau2.

အချိန် | a-chain2

တွေ | dway2

ဒီလိုပဲ | de2-lo2 beare3

ကုန် | kone2

သွား | thwa3

တယ် | deare2

တော် | tau2

Time just flies by in my life. (uttered by female person).

If you want to be even more animated, like in Newspaper comics, a female person would say...

အချိန်တွေ ဒီလိုပဲ ကုန်သွားတယ် တော်ရေ့

a-chain2 dway2 de2-lo2 beare3 kone2 thwa3 deare2 tau2 yay1

Dway2 can make most nouns plural

In English, you add "s" or "es" to make many words (you can count) plural as in "mangoes", "oranges", "cars" and so on. But then, the plural of "this man" becomes "those men". You don't say "peoples" but "many people". You don't put "sugars" but "some sugar".

Burmese is less complicated. You can make most nouns plural by adding

တွေ | dway2.

Similar word များ | mya3 is used in the written language. However, nobody will use mya3 as a plural word in spoken Burmese.

Although it is possible to have spoken phrases with mya3 right after the noun, it does not modify the noun to the plural word.

For instance, များ | mya3 in


a-loat mya3 nay2 deare2

means I have "many" အလုပ် | a-loat (work) to do as opposed to "a few" နည်း | neare3.

It should be noted that mya3 in the above Burmese sentence is a verb "be abundant", but if you translate it into English sentence, it is equivalent to adjective "many".

You can say:


a-loat dway2 mya3 nay2 deare2I am busy. MP3 Audio File

The plural dway2 can be omitted.

လူ | lu2 — People

တွေ | dway2 — plural

အများကြီး | a-mya3 ji3 — so many

ပဲ | beare3 — exactly

| ha1 — emphasis particle equivalent to exclamation "Gosh!", "Oh, my God!"

လူတွေ အများကြီးပဲဟ

lu2 dway2 a-mya3 ji3 beare3 ha1

Gosh! there are so many people!

Myanmar Grammar Notes: Burmese language does not recognize အာမေဍိတ် | ah2-may2-date (interjection) at the end of the sentence. The word ha1 can be an interjection if it appears in the beginning of the sentence.

There are exceptions to dway2 usage. You can say, "water has leaked in" by adding plural dway2 to water, but you don't say, "please drink water dway2".

There are no hard and fast rules as to when you can add that plural word. In my analysis, there is no dway2 in "please drink water" because you are referring to a single glass of water.

ရေ | yay2 — Water

တွေ | dway2 — plural

ဝင် | win2 — enter

လာပြီ | la2 byi2 — has come (come + has reached certain level, state or condition)

| ha1 — exclamation as in "Gosh!", "Oh, my God!"

ရေတွေ ဝင်လာပြီဟ

yay2 dway2 win2 la2 byi2 ha1

Oh, my God! Water has leaked in!

In Myanmar Language, it is possible to use the word water ရေ | yay2 as either singular or plural term. It can be used as plural by adding the suffix တွေ | dway2 as this video clip shows.


In Myanmar Language, the word water (yay2) can be used as either Singular or Plural term. Although nobody will say: "Please drink many waters", it can be used as plural by adding the suffix (dway2) as this video clip shows. There is no fast and hard rule as to when to use this suffix word. [43 seconds]

Posted by Naing Tinnyuntpu on Friday, May 6, 2016
အမွန်း | Ah Moon was born in 1991 at Kachin State in Myanmar

ရေ | yay2 — Water (without plural word)

သောက် | thout — to drink

ပါ | ba2 — polite suggestion

ဦး | ome3 — please; "won't you" type of suggestion

အဘ | a-ba1 — address to the elder man (old uncle)

ရေသောက်ပါဦး အဘ

yay2 thout ba2 ome3 a-ba1

Grandpa, won't you have some water?

Nobody will say, "yay2 dway2 thout ba2 ome3 a-ba1", just like nobody will say, "Please drink many waters" in English.


ထမင်း | hta1-min3 — cooked rice (without plural word) (noun)

ထပ် | htut — again; one after another (adverb)

ထည့် | hteare1 — put in (verb)

ပါ | ba2 — polite suggestion (particle)

ဦး | ome3 — "won't you" type of suggestion (particle)

ထမင်း ထပ်ထည့်ပါဦး

hta1-min3 htut hteare1 ba2 ome3

Won't you have some more rice?

Please refer to the detail explanation of the word ထပ် | htut.

Why is dway2 missing? That's probably because each person has his or her meal using only a single plate. Let's analyze some more. You can say, "I have bought apple dway2", but you offer the apple in singular form because you don't expect someone to bite 2 apples (or 2 pieces) at the same time.

Think of it this way. You can add plural to the clothing items such as "shirts", but you ask someone to put on the shirt.

ပန်းသီး | pan3-thi3 — apple

တွေ | dway2 — plural

ဝယ် | weare2 — to buy

ထား | hta3 — modifies the verb "to buy" to "has bought"

တယ် | deare2 — affirmative.

ပန်းသီးတွေ ဝယ်ထားတယ်

pan3-thi3 dway2 weare2 hta3 deare2

I have bought some apples.

ပန်းသီး | pan3-thi3 — apple

စား | sa3 — eat

ပါ | ba2 — polite suggestion

ဦး | ome3 — "won't you" type of suggestion

ပန်းသီး စားပါဦး

pan3-thi3 sa3 ba2 ome3

Won't you have some apples?

ဆန် | hsun2 — uncooked rice (without plural word)

ဝယ် | weare2 — buy

| ya1 — particle: "need to do"

ဦး | ome3 — suggestion or reminder with a need of something in this context

မယ် | meare2 — going to; future tense or intention.

ဆန် ဝယ်ရဦးမယ်

hsun2 weare2 ya1 ome3 meare2

I/We need to buy rice.

Again, dway2 is missing probably because people usually buy one bag and one variety of rice at a time. If you put dway2, you know right away it does not sound right.

However, when someone says "that shop is selling rice dway2" it becomes plausible; only linguists and Burmese language teachers will argue among themselves whether it is a correct Burmese or not.

ဟို | ho2 — that (pronoun)

ဆိုင် | hsine2 — shop (noun)

မှာ | hma2 — at; location indicator (postpositional marker)

ဆန် | hsun2 — uncooked rice (noun)

တွေ | dway2 — plural (particle)

ရောင်း | youn3 — sell (verb)

နေ | nay2 — present participle [~ing] that modifies "sell" to "selling" (particle)

တယ် | deare2 — affirmative (postpositional marker)

ဟိုဆိုင်မှာ ဆန်တွေရောင်းနေတယ်

ho2 hsine2 hma2 hsun2 dway2 youn3 nay2 deare2

The shop over there is selling rice. (of different varieties in several bags.)

The above hypothetical sentence has a tone of surprise in it. That's what you would tell someone if you unexpectedly discovered that the shop over there is selling rice. If you just want to tell someone that rice is available at that shop, you normally say it in the singular form.

ဟို | ho2 — that

ဆိုင် | hsine2 — shop

မှာ | hma2 — at; location indicator

ဆန် | hsun2 — uncooked rice

ရောင်း | youn3 — sell

တယ် | deare2 — affirmative

ဟိုဆိုင်မှာ ဆန်ရောင်းတယ်

ho2 hsine2 hma2 hsun2 youn3 deare2

Rice is available at that shop (or) You can buy rice over there.

Concepts dway2

As you have seen earlier, you can add dway2 to concepts that cannot be seen such as time, or work (which is not really an object.) Here's an another example:

သဘော | dtha1-bau3 — mental view point, thinking pattern, and personality

တွေ | dway2 — plural

ကြ | kja1 — "come down" to such a state pf mind (verb)

နေ | nay2 — ongoing activity; present participle [~ing]

တယ် | deare2 — affirmative


dtha1-bau3 dway2 kja1 nay2 deare2

be very appreciative with delight and desire

For example, you can say someone is

သဘော တွေ ကြနေတယ်

dtha1-bau3 dway2 kja1 nay2 deare2

as he is looking at the latest car model in the showroom. Try to imagine him with eyes wide-open, smiling with excitement, going around the shiny new sports car several times, touching it, looking at it from different angles, and wanting it.

General Pattern of Singular & Plural Words

Generally, you can add "dway2" to

  • all plants, flowers, and living beings including people
  • vegetable(s) in general term, but not to specific names such as "cabbage", "bean-sprouts", etc.. In Burmese, you say "bean-sprouts" without (s).
  • all professionals such as teachers, police, workers, etc.
  • most objects that you can count such as books, chairs, bottles, cars, buildings
  • things that cannot be counted but still part of Nature & Environment: dust, clouds, rain, water, moisture
  • concepts and poetic words that you cannot count, touch, or see such as in ဒုက္ခ တွေ များ | doat-kha1 dway2 mya3 (be afflicted with many sufferings)

You normally DON'T add "dway2" to

  • food & drinks: meat, fish, rice, eggs, milk, sugar, water, all types of beverages.
  • cooking ingredients: cooking oil, salt, spices, onions, garlics
  • items that you use or consume one at a time: medicine, clothing when the conversation is about such usage or consumption.
  • items that come in a lot, a pile, or a bunch: a bunch of banana, a bag of rice.

You (doh1) better review (ja1)

I have already explained in lesson 4 the word တို့ | doh1 which can make you (one person) to you people, he to them, and I to we. So, doh1 can make singular to plural for 1st person, 2nd person, and 3rd person. There is no English equivalent that can make "he" to "he(s)".

doh1 and dway2 are not interchangeable, but တွေ | dway2 can be added after တို့ | doh1 to make a stronger unity as a whole.

ငါ | nga2I

ငါတို့ | nga2 doh1We

ငါတို့ တွေ | nga2 doh1 dway2We the people

In written Burmese Language, the plural word mya3 is never used after doh1.

In lesson 2, I have already given sufficient examples using ja1.

Unlike dway2, which modifies the noun (such as apple) to plural, ကြ | ja1 modifies the verb (e.g. to eat, to go, to play, to review) to plural just like the heading of this section: You (doh1) better review (ja1).

The English equivalent would be like changing the verbs "does" to "do", "goes" to "go", "eats" to "eat", and so on.

Example: စါးကြစို့

sa3 ja1 zo1 in English is "Let's eat", not "Let's eats".

Since verbs are action words, ja1 is applicable to all beings including animals capable of actions.

Another plural for the verb: kone2

If something happens to plants or inanimate things like clothes and books, there is an another word attached after the the verb to indicate whatever happened to those things.

အဝတ် | a-woot - cloth

တွေ | dway2 - plural of the noun (clothes)

ရေစို | yay2-hso2 - get wet

ကုန် | kone2 - plural of the verb (get wet)

ပါ | ba2 - softens the tone

ပြီ | byi2 - ending word to show that some condition has reached.

အဝတ်တွေ ရေစိုကုန်ပါပြီ

a-woot dway2 yay2-hso2 kone2 ba2 byi2

OMG, the clothes are getting wet!

Note that there are two plural makers in the above sentence. The first particle dway2 shows the plurality of the noun.

The second particle kone2 not only shows that getting wet is plural, it also gives the sense of totality 'all' and 'everything'.

Similar sentence pattern can be used to say:


tha1-kho3 dway2 pyay3 kone2 byi2

Thieves are running away!

Unlike the inanimate things which are subjected to unfortunate events, animate things like in the above example are in the active mode. Also note that you don't use kone2 in the sentence to a single thief.

In Conclusion, rain can be with or without (dway2)

2013 is an incredible year with lots of rain dway2, wind dway2, and flood dway2 not only in Yangon, but also in other parts of the World such as Southern Alberta and Toronto in Canada, London, and Paris. Rain can be catastrophic. But then, sometimes it is a pleasant surprise like hearing a song that was requested.

Don't worry too much whether or not to add dway2. Even Burmese people don't know which is right all the time. I will end this lesson with a song in my childhood.

စနေ | sa1-nay2 — Saturday

မှာ | hma2 — at, on

ရွာ | ywa2 — falling of the rain drops

တဲ့ | deare1 — that, the subject of the conversation (rain in this case)

မိုး | mo3 — rain

လိုပဲ | lo2 beare3 — just like that (the subject)

သဲသဲမဲမဲ | theare3-theare3 meare3-meare3 — fervently, passionately with vigor; characteristics of heavy rain with dark clouds and thunder

ချစ် | chit — to love

မယ် | meare2 — will

လား | la3 — ?

စနေမှာရွာတဲ့ မိုးလိုပဲ သဲသဲမဲမဲ ချစ်မယ်လား

sa1-nay2 hma2 ywa2 deare1 mo3 lo2 beare3 theare3-theare3 meare3-meare3 chit meare2 la3

Will you love me passionately, like the rain that falls on Saturday?

Well, since I am not an accomplished vocalist, I am not going to sing it for you. I will just read it out (without much passion.)

Color Codes: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions, particles, postpositional markers, interjections.

Learn the word ထပ် | "htut" in detail

The word

ထပ် | htut MP3 Audio File

as a verb means to pile up / repeat one after another.

The same idea is applied to the floor levels of buildings. In the word

ခြောက်ထပ် | chout htut

meaning sixth floor, htut is used as a numerical classifier for the number of floors.

ခြောက်ထပ်ကြီး ဘုရား | choat-htut-ji3 pfa1-ya3 (noun) MP3 Audio File

is the pagoda having six floors, and a tourist destination in Yangon.

To get married in Burmese means to htut the hands where the couple place the hands on top of each other inside the silver cup while sitting side by side on the stage in the wedding ceremony. The phrase

လက်ထပ်ကြမယ် | Let htut ja1 meare2 MP3 Audio File

means we will get married, where Let htut is the verb to get married.

In the phrase

ထပ်ပြောပါဦး | htut pyau3 ba2 ome3, MP3 Audio File

htut is used as an adverb meaning again. It is a request to repeat what has been said, where ပြော | pyau3 means to say or to tell.

The same word htut is used when offering an another round of meal.

ထပ်တလဲလဲ | htut ta1-leare3-leare3 MP3 Audio File

means having to repeat something unpleasant again and again as in

ထပ်တလဲလဲ ပြောနေရတယ်

htut ta1-leare3-leare3 pyau3 nay2 ya1 deare2.


How many times have I told you not to do this? htut ta1-leare3-leare3 pyau3 nay2 ya1 deare2

I have to be repeating this again and again! MP3 Audio File

In the old days, and still in many government offices, people htut (verb) the registration books.

That means there is a stack of registration books where you place your book and wait for your turn for processing.

စာအုပ် ထပ်ထားတယ်

sa2-oat htut hta3 deare2 MP3 Audio File

means I have already submitted my registration စာအုပ် | sa2-oat (book).

ထပ်တစ်ရာ | htut ta1-ya2 MP3 Audio File

refers to Roti Parata (round Indian pastry having many puffy layers) where

တစ်ရာ | ta1-ya2

means one hundred. So,

ထပ်တစ်ရာ | htut ta1-ya2 means one hundred layers.